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Argumentative topic sentence examples

Argumentative topic sentence examples

argumentative topic sentence examples

It starts with a topic sentence and has all the factual data to make the argument convincing. Body paragraph 2. The second body paragraph mentions the second most important element of the argument. A topic sentence is used to start these paragraphs that give the idea of the point that will be discussed in the following paragraph. Body paragraph 3 Argumentative,Essay,Body,Paragraphs, $! Example$of$a$Body$Paragraph$(sentence$starters$are$underlined)$ Students)are)not)all)equal)just)because)they)are)wearing)the)same)thing,)which)demonstrates) that)students)should)not)have)to)wear)uniforms.)What)readers)need)to)understand)is)that)in) 1 day ago · The rest argumentative topic sentence the paragraph should flow logically from the topic sentence, argumentative topic sentence, expanding on the point with evidence, examples, or argumentation, argumentative topic sentence. This helps keep your paragraphs focused: everything you write should relate to the central idea expressed in the topic

Outstanding Argumentative Essay Ideas to Impress Your Teacher –

Oct 15, · Topic sentences as transitions between paragraphs Emphasize and expand. If the paragraph goes into more detail or gives another example to make the same point, argumentative topic sentence examples, the topic Summarize and anticipate. If the paragraph turns to a different aspect argumentative topic sentence examples the same subject, the topic sentence can Compare Argumentative Essay Example for University PDF. You need a topic sentence for the first paragraph.

Published on January 21, by Shona McCombes. Revised on October 15, Every paragraph in your paper needs a topic sentence, argumentative topic sentence.

The topic sentence expresses what the paragraph is about. It should include two key things:. To build a well-structured argument, you can also use your topic sentences to transition smoothly between argumentative topic sentence and show the connections between your points. Table of contents Writing strong topic sentences Topic sentences as transitions between paragraphs Topic sentences that introduce more than one paragraph Where does the topic sentence go? Frequently asked questions about topic sentences, argumentative topic sentence examples.

To make sure every topic sentence and paragraph serves your argument, follow these steps. The first step to developing your topic sentences is to make sure you have a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement sums up the purpose and argument of the whole paper, argumentative topic sentence.

At this stage, you can draft a topic sentence that sums up the main point you want to make in each paragraph, argumentative topic sentence examples. The topic sentences should be more specific than the thesis statement, but always clearly related to it. Research has consistently shown that the meat industry has a significant environmental impact. The rest argumentative topic sentence the paragraph should flow logically from the topic sentence, argumentative topic sentenceexpanding on the point with evidence, examples, or argumentation, argumentative topic sentence, argumentative topic sentence examples.

This helps keep your paragraphs focused: everything you write should relate to the central idea expressed in the topic sentence. In our example, you might mention specific research studies argumentative topic sentence examples statistics that support your point about the overall impact of the meat industry. Topic sentences usually start out as simple statements, argumentative topic sentence examples. You can think of it like a signpost: it should tell the reader which direction your argument is going in.

To make your writing stronger and ensure the connections between your paragraphs are clear and logical, you can also use topic sentences to create smooth transitions.

As you write each topic sentence, ask yourself: how does this point relate to what you wrote in the preceding paragraph? If the paragraph goes into more detail or gives another example to make the same point, the topic sentence can use words that imply emphasis or similarity for example, furthermoreindeedin factalso. Indeed argumentative topic sentencecattle farming alone is responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.

If the paragraph turns to a different aspect of the same subject, the topic sentence can briefly sum up the previous paragraph and anticipate the new information that will appear in this one. While beef clearly has the most dramatic footprint, other animal products also have serious impacts in terms of emissions, water and land use.

If the paragraph makes a comparison or introduces contrasting information, the topic sentence can use words that highlight difference or conflict for example, in contrasthoweveryeton the other hand. Howeverthe environmental costs of dietary choices are not always clear-cut; in some cases, small-scale livestock farming is more sustainable than plant-based food production. You can also imply contrast or complicate your argument by formulating the topic sentence as a question.

Is veganism the only solution, or are there more sustainable ways of producing meat and dairy? Scribbr editors not only correct grammar and spelling mistakes, but also strengthen your writing by making sure your paper is free of vague language, redundant words and awkward phrasing.

See editing example, argumentative topic sentence. All of the examples above address the environmental impact of meat-eating versus veganism.

Together, they make up one coherent part of a larger argument, argumentative topic sentenceso the first paragraph could use a topic sentence to introduce the whole section. Argumentative topic sentence examples countries with high levels of meat consumption, a move towards plant-based diets is the most obvious route to making food more sustainable.

Research has consistently shown that the meat industry has significant environmental impacts. However, argumentative topic sentence examples, the environmental costs of dietary choices are not always clear-cut; in some cases, small-scale livestock farming is more sustainable than plant-based food production. In this example, the first sentence summarizes the main point that has been made so far. Then the topic sentence indicates that this paragraph will address evidence that complicates or contradicts that point.

In more argumentative topic sentence examples argumentative topic sentence creative forms of academic writing, argumentative topic sentenceyou can play with the argumentative topic sentence of topic sentences to build suspense and give your arguments more force. But if in doubt, to keep your paper argumentative topic sentence and focused, the easiest method is to place the topic sentence at the start of the paragraph. View topic sentences in an example essay.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph. Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence. Topic sentences help keep your writing focused and guide the reader through your argument. In an essay or papereach paragraph should focus on a single idea. By stating the main idea in the topic sentence, you clarify what the paragraph is about for both yourself and your reader.

The topic sentence usually comes at the very start of the paragraph. However, sometimes you might start with a transition sentence to summarize what was discussed in previous paragraphs, argumentative topic sentence examples, followed by the topic sentence that expresses the focus of the current paragraph, argumentative topic sentence.

Here are three examples of topic sentences you could use for each of the three body paragraphs :. Each of these sentences expresses one main idea — by listing them in order, we can see the overall structure of the essay at a glance, argumentative topic sentence.

Each paragraph will expand on the topic sentence with relevant detail, evidence, and arguments. Have a language expert improve your writing, argumentative argumentative topic sentence examples sentence. Check your paper for plagiarism in 10 minutes. Do the check. Generate your APA citations for free! APA Citation Generator. Home Knowledge Base Research paper How to write topic sentences, argumentative topic sentence.

How to write topic sentences Published on January 21, by Shona McCombes, argumentative topic sentence examples. It should include two key things: The topic of the paragraph The central point of the paragraph. After the topic sentence, you expand on the point with evidence and examples. Topic sentence example Research has consistently shown that the meat industry has a significant environmental impact. What can proofreading do for your paper?

What is a topic sentence? Why are topic sentences important? Where does the topic sentence go in a paragraph? What are some examples of topic sentences? Here are three examples of topic sentences you could use for each of the three body paragraphs : Research has shown that argumentative topic sentence meat industry has severe environmental impacts. However, many plant-based foods are also produced in environmentally damaging ways. Is this article helpful? Shona McCombes Shona has a bachelor's and two master's degrees, argumentative topic sentenceso she's an expert at writing a great thesis.

She has also worked as an editor and teacher, working with students at all different levels to improve their academic writing. Other students also liked. An annotated essay example See how to build a well-structured essay with an effective introduction, focused paragraphs, clear transitions, argumentative topic sentenceand a strong conclusion. How to write a argumentative topic sentence statement A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your essay.

It usually comes at the end of the introduction. Transition words and phrases in academic writing Transition words and phrases link argumentative topic sentence different ideas in your text.

Using them effectively helps the reader to follow your argumentative topic sentence. What is your plagiarism score? Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. These essays take a position and support it through evidence, but, unlike many other kinds of essays, they are interested in expressing a specific argument supported by research and evidence Nov 11, · Argumentative essays as a type of academic paper often contain factual and statistical data.

One of the best principles of topic sentence writing is to keep it short and sweet. The meat of your research has to constitute the body of each paragraph, while topic sentence is an instrument that connects the parts of. Post a Comment, argumentative topic sentence examples. Argumentative topic sentence. Argumentative topic sentence Oct 15, · Topic sentences argumentative topic sentence examples transitions between paragraphs Emphasize and expand.

ESL writing - How to Write a GOOD Topic Sentencetime: at April 21, Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels: No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

Argumentative Essays: Topic Sentence

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10+ Easy Argumentative Essay Examples for Students

argumentative topic sentence examples

It starts with a topic sentence and has all the factual data to make the argument convincing. Body paragraph 2. The second body paragraph mentions the second most important element of the argument. A topic sentence is used to start these paragraphs that give the idea of the point that will be discussed in the following paragraph. Body paragraph 3 1 day ago · The rest argumentative topic sentence the paragraph should flow logically from the topic sentence, argumentative topic sentence, expanding on the point with evidence, examples, or argumentation, argumentative topic sentence. This helps keep your paragraphs focused: everything you write should relate to the central idea expressed in the topic Argumentative essays for college. Production and sales of tobacco must be made illegal; Death sentence should be activated in every country of the world; Smoking in public places has to be banned; Alcohol usage should be controlled; They should not sell alcohol beverages after 11 P.M. Energetic drinks should be banned and made illegal

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