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Engineering literature review example

Engineering literature review example

engineering literature review example

Example Literature Reviews. Introduction: Literature review outline: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC systems including a Thermal Energy Storage, PCM overview and PCMs for high temperature applications, Thermal Energy Storage based on PCMs. Last modified: 19th Mar A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of statement or the study’s goals or purpose. *This sample paper was adapted by the Writing Center from Key, K.L., Rich, C., DeCristofaro, C., Collins, S. (). Use of P ropofol and emergence agitation in children: A literature review. AANA Journal, 78(6). Retrieved from Used by Size: KB 1/28/ · Examples of literature reviews within a journal article: Jobert, Arthur, et al. () Local acceptance of wind energy: factors of success identified in French and German case studies. Energy Policy 35(5) In this case, the literature review is a separate, labeled section appearing between the introduction and methodology Eric Prosser

Carrying out a literature review - Engineering - LibGuides at Lancaster University

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser, engineering literature review example. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up, engineering literature review example. Download Free PDF. Writing Critical Literature Review in Geotechnical Engineering.

Roohollah KJ. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Writing Critical Literature Review in Geotechnical Engineering Samira Y. Kakh Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Engineering literature review example, Johor, Malaysia e-mail: yksamira2 live. my Ahmad Safuan A. Rashid Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia Corresponding Author, engineering literature review example, e-mail: ahmadsafuan utm.

my Roohollah Kalatehjari Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, engineering literature review example, Johor, Malaysia e-mail: kjroohollah2 live. my Nazri Ali Faculty of Civil Engineering, engineering literature review example, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Engineering literature review example e-mail: nazriali utm.

my Wan Fara Adlina Wan Mansor Language Academy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia e-mail: wanfara utm. com ABSTRACT The main concern of this research was assisting postgraduate students when they write in the disciplines.

Therefore, the efficacy of some ideas for supervising novice writers in Geotechnical Engineering were qualitatively investigated. To meet the research objective, a series of supervisory sessions that engineering literature review example done in Google Docs were observed and the interactions between the supervisor and the supervisee were thoroughly analyzed.

This study showed that online tools such as Google Docs could facilitate learning to write in Geotechnical Engineering through comparing good writing samples and supervisor-student discussion, engineering literature review example.

These activities led to discovering genre features and developing better understanding of the revising stage. This study suggests that using Google Docs to facilitate the interactions between supervisors and supervisees could improve the fluency and the content of writing in the disciplines.

Such breakthroughs introduced a new dimension in supervising student writers. KEYWORDS: Literature Review; Writing, Academic Writing; Writing in the Disciplines.

Each discipline has several writing genres, and each genre has its own specific characteristics. In academic writing classes language experts emphasize the readability and communicability of writing practice and develop general understandings of the features of academic writing. In addition to such awareness, novice writers in the disciplines need to gain knowledge of the conventional features that disciplines define for each genre.

Subject specialists are assumed to have knowledge of the disciplinary conventions, therefore they can provide proper guidance for novice writers. Writing the literature review in geotechnical engineering is one important, but difficult to handle disciplinary genre.

Literature reviews in higher education are expected to be critical Dovey, A critical engineering literature review example review deepens the understanding of the readers of the current state of the art. A quick glance at the research articles published by students of higher education in geological engineering shows that authors provided statements or short summaries of past methodologies and listed several names in front engineering literature review example each statement.

Such characteristics have been observed in other disciplines, such as social sciences Swales and Lindemann,pharmacy Jesson and Lacey,and computer sciences Webster and Watson, engineering literature review example, These attempts to construct the literature review often lack effective evaluation of past research in engineering literature review example to new research being proposed Holbrook et al.

The manuals and materials on how to do and write a critical literature review provide a number of techniques of what to do, and what not to do e.

Paltridge, ; Swales and Feak, These materials prescribe how engineering literature review example sort and organize past research summaries and write up critical reviews.

These materials often provide general literature review guidelines. This means that they are not published for specific disciplines; therefore, novice writers cannot develop awareness of the conventional features of the literature review in their disciplines while doing and writing it.

This issue has long been the concern of genre scholars such as Paltridge Writing critical literature reviews is a neglected area of expertise in geotechnical engineering research and supervision. Supervisors need to gain insight into guiding novice scholars in developing a narrative, effective, analytical, and original account information that is available.

Novice scholars should be aware that science is meaningful in relation to past research, therefore there is a need to acquire the skills of synthesizing past research to establish another research niche Hyland, engineering literature review example, This approach to genre offers an analytical view to texts such as literature review, through which learners critically examine the linguistic features of a text, its structure, and the moves and steps that authors took to construct that text.

This research tested this approach in a series of supervisory sessions. The aim of this research was introducing an approach to guiding novice writers in geotechnical engineering. Holbrook et al. Therefore, some researchers proposed ways of developing the skills of criticism in novice writers Bloch, engineering literature review example, ; Dodson and Feak, K these studies was helping novice writers to create a research space for themselves.

This research adopted Swales and Swales and Feakgenre approach to design a series of supervisory sessions. The participants of this study were a supervisor from geotechnical engineering department in a leading university in Malaysia and an applicant of a PhD position in the same university.

In this process the supervisor assisted him to develop a critical literature review for his article. The supervision sessions were done online in Google Docs environment.

Google Docs is a cloud based word processor that enables supervisors to provide feedback and guidance and the supervisees to revise their drafts in the same environment. This environment had a research privilege for the current research, because all the interactions between the supervisor and the supervisee could be observed by the researchers.

Developing logical arguments in the literature review, according to Turner and Bitcheneris essential to a viable literature review. Turner and Bitchener discuss engineering literature review example a logical argument can be constructed by logically sequencing propositions. To help the supervisee to construct such structures in his literature review, the supervisor shared with him a well-written literature review and guided the supervisee to analyze the rhetorical structure of arguments in a literature review written by an expert in geotechnical engineering.

Then the supervisee had to construct his own critical literature review in Google Docs environment. In this process, the supervisor was asking questions to investigate the awareness of the supervisee of the structural organization of what he had written, use of conjunctions, and authorial voice. The data were collected through virtual participant observation and an analysis of the discussions between the supervisee and the supervisor.

The data from the discussions were cross checked with the data from the observations to validate the data. The method of data analysis was engineering literature review example content analysis. FINDINGS The data analysis showed how the learner could successfully construct a logical argument in his literature review.

The process of constructing the argument took two pre-writing actions, two writing actions, and a post-writing action. This section describes these actions with the data from the observational field notes.

Then, each section is supported with the data from the discussions between the supervisor and the supervisee. The purpose of literature review is describing the past relevant studies to justify the need for a new research Bitchener, In order to fulfil this purpose, the learner had to discover the conventional form for organizing the past findings and engineering literature review example in a structured way.

To facilitate this discovery the supervisor shared with the learner a good sample of literature review written for geotechnical engineering. Then, he guided the learner to discover the moves and linguistic features of the text. One function of the literature review according to Paltridge and Starfield is assessing the methods of the past research. what purpose did the writer discuss the method proposed by Baligh and Azzouz ? Why did the writer discussed Azzouz, Baligh, and Ladd firstly, then the method of Chen and Chameau ?

These questions aimed at helping the learner to discover the relationship between the paragraphs as well as the techniques to arrange and organize the content of the literature review, engineering literature review example. It was through these investigations that the learner found the content of a sample literature engineering literature review example written by Kalatehjari and Ali was basically presented chronologically.

He discovered that the writers of the sample also used another method of discussing the variables different methods considered. After these discoveries, the supervisor guided the learner to discover how the writers built relationships between sentences, paragraphs, and sections by asking questions such as: is the link between this paragraph and the following paragraph clear?

How did the authors develop a logical discussion in this paragraph? In order to answer such questions, the learner needed to analyze the structure of phrases and sentences as well as the global structure of the whole text. The learner could discover that the major characteristic of the paragraphs was completeness of information in phrases, paragraphs, and the whole text.

He also found that having a topic sentence for each and every paragraphs plays a significant role in building a logical relationship between the paragraphs and discussions. Other than these, he could discover that linguistic devices engineering literature review example as conjunctions and repetition of words link the sentences of a paragraph together and build a cohesive discussion.

After such discoveries, the supervisor led the learner engineering literature review example commence writing his own literature review, by asking him a though provoking question: What is the first step to write the literature review?

Interestingly, the learner gave an analytical answer which later on led to a good conclusion. I know what the problem was and how I solve the problem. I understood in the literature review I need to show the gap of the literature.

So, I need to write a scenario which describes that gap. It shows the learner could develop awareness of the function of the literature review. He also proposed to write a scenario, engineering literature review example.

I need to list down the events that caused this problem, then explain each event. He elaborated that when he identified the relevant past studies, he needed to draw an outline of them to make them organized, engineering literature review example. He added that based on the outline he would develop paragraphs of his literature review. After this discussion the learner draw an outline of the past proposed methods relevant to his work. In this process, the supervisor asked questions such as: why did you put this method after that other method.

Through this questions the supervisor made the learner to practice logical arrangement of the information.

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(PDF) Writing Critical Literature Review in Geotechnical Engineering | Roohollah KJ -

engineering literature review example

Literature Review. School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. Final Year Project CHPR / MATE / MECH / MCTX / OGEG / Starting Out. •Most students start with either little detailed understanding of their project topic, or a narrow understanding based on (limited) experience •It is important that you 1/28/ · Your review should consists of 3 sections: The Introduction in which you tell the reader what topic you are covering and why. The Body in which you relate what your literature review found. This section needs to be grouped by the patterns or commonalities that you found during your reading and from the matrix. Your groupings could be by ChronologyAuthor: Eric Prosser 1/28/ · Examples of literature reviews within a journal article: Jobert, Arthur, et al. () Local acceptance of wind energy: factors of success identified in French and German case studies. Energy Policy 35(5) In this case, the literature review is a separate, labeled section appearing between the introduction and methodology Eric Prosser

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