Saturday, April 24, 2021

The best day of the week essay

The best day of the week essay

the best day of the week essay

Everyone has a favorite day, my favorite day happens to be at the end of the week. Monday to Saturday I work to what seem to be never ending shifts and go to school. Working all day just go to school at night. The week consist of hard work and hours of studying. When Sunday comes along all of that changes. Sundays are my favorite day of the week 7/27/ · Words. (3 pages) Views. My first visit to a courthouse took place on a Monday, which is apparently the busiest day of the week. The first impression I had of the people was that they all seemed to have a purpose. There did not seem to be anyone like me; an Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Get your free examples of research papers and essays on Day Of The Week here. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. Learn from the best!

Best Day of My Life Essay - Words | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. My Favourite Day of the Week I cannot say which day of the best day of the week essay week is my favourite day because it is unknown how a day would end up.

But still, school days are never days that I look forward to, the best day of the week essay. School, homework and tuition classes burdens me. Excluding the schooldays, only Friday or Saturday would be my choice. The day I like the most, is Saturday. Saturday is perfectly placed at the last day of the week. As usual in the morning I would have to go to school for co-curriculum activities.

Those activities are exciting and of course it is better than sitting in the classroom. My mind is filled with schoolwork or tuition classes everyday in the classroom, these make my life miserable. Through this, I learn a lot of things and knowledge about music, especially from my coach, Mr. He the best day of the week essay a nice and humorous person. But when he teaches us violin, he becomes strict.

I really learnt the skills as he teaches patiently. All the members will discuss the library management for the month. The benefit of becoming a librarian, is that we can borrow more books than normal students. Other than the most hoped for day of the week. I remember that my cousin and I were always wishing for the school week to end and for Saturday to begin.

Every Saturday morning would start the same way: my cousin would come to my house to wake me up. Around 10 a. Once at the ranch, we enjoyed a variety of activities. The sun shone down on us, as we lived out our wonderful Saturdays away from the city.

We would play soccer, run with the dogs and sometimes hunt birds and lizards with my uncle. There were occasions when we got to help my uncle sow plant seeds corn or chiles, the best day of the week essay. Those days were hard, but we still enjoyed them. After we ate our delicious feast, we would retreat to the lone pine tree behind the house the best day of the week essay climb the branches and rest, at the best day of the week essay. Usually in the afternoon my uncle would take us to the lake; the water was icy cold but it did not matter since there was nothing comparable to the fun that we had at the lake.

There was a garden just a few miles away from the house, and often on Saturdays we would go there. Following our swim in the lake, we would eat luscious fruit from the which was like an eye opener for us. We were then divided into two groups i. By the after noon I make sure that I have the dinner ready for the girls before I pick them up from school, and that is around 3Pm.

By the early evening the girls and I do home work, then I clean after dinner while they get some playing time before they start tiding up their room to get ready for bed time. The second reason it is the time where both of my girls get so excited to spend some quality time with me, where we cuddle together under a blanket while I read them a storey from their favorite book.

Hearing them laughing and giggling with such joy makes all my exhaustion worth it. It starts where I invoke a feeling of calm and tranquility showering away all the stress and the hassle of the day with my favorite lavender body wash.

Then I snuggle up in my bed with a cup of hot coco to My Life, My Favorites I have a few different interests that entertain me while I live this crazy life of mine. Okay, maybe the sporting events bring a little stress upon me, but it all goes away after the game is over. Shopping is my top favorite interest.

I spend many lunch breaks and Saturday afternoons on the hunt for a cash-savings, clearance rack purchase. My daughter, son and career are always my first priority, but this full-time working mom likes to kinds of fruits of which the "Orange" is my favourite fruit.

An orange is a type of citrus fruit which people often eat. They are a very good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Oranges are round orange-coloured fruit that grow on a tree which can reach 10 metres high. Orange trees have dark green shiny leaves and small white flowers with five petals. The flowers smell very sweet which attracts many bees. The "sweet orange", which is the kind that is most often eaten today, grew first in Asia but now grows in many parts of the world.

In our country, orange is grown in The best day of the week essay and Shan States. An orange has a tough shiny orange skin. The colour orange takes its name from the fruit.

Inside, the fruit is divided into "segments", which have thin tough skins that hold together many little sections with juice inside.

There are usually ten segments in an orange, but sometimes there are more. Inside each segment of most types of orange there are seeds called "pips".

Orange trees can be grown from pips, but some types of orange trees can the best day of the week essay be grown from "cuttings" a piece cut off a tree and made to grow roots. The segments and the skin are separated by white stringy stuff called "pith". In most types of oranges, the skin can be peeled off the pith, and the segments can be pulled apart with the fingers to be eaten.

Orange skin is often called "orange peel". Nowadays, many people of the world eat an orange or drink orange juice every day ; because It doesnt matter what im doing but I always seem find myself going back there. Ill have to say my favorite time to go there is while im listening to music because there are so many places for me to go within the music that I listen to and an escape from reality is all I truly want it puts me in such a dream like state its easy to get lost but within those breif moments im in my mind I feel like ive been there for hours when ive only been there for a few moments.

when im listening to slow music that isnt sad I feel like im more able to feel the surroundings that my mind generates a beach for me. It feels asthough I can feel the sand between my toes and the water splashing against my ankles. I can smell the salty scent of the ocean and I see an island that I know I want to travel to but I cant because the song I am hearing has me rooted in that one place but for some reason I dont mind I feel completely at ease there without a care in the world.

when im listening to some faster paced rock music I feel like im running though a massive city, the best day of the week essay. I can feel my feet pounding off of the pavement i can smell the exhaust from the cars that are passing me by the sound of the wind rushing through my ears is almost deafening I see the people Everyone shops at Walmart. By everyone, the best day of the week essay, I mean approximately 2.

That many people is almost as much as Canada's population. If Walmart was a country, it would have the 26th largest economy in the world. Besides the great factors and achievements Walmart has, there are some things that outshine all that success. To me, these Walmart employees are like superheroes. Their constant vision is to help customers in need and to show kindness to every grouchy and selfish customer. The next best thing is the self-checkouts.

We cannot thank Walmart enough for getting these wonderful machines because it causes us, as Americans, to realize the efficiency it aids to the common lazy person. They will not have to depend on the cashiers checking us out when customers can do it ourselves. The employees care so much about us and do a lot for us, this makes their lives easier and work less. But what makes these self-checkout machines even better is Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays My Favorite Day of the Week.

My Favorite Day of the Week Topics: Princethe best day of the week essay, SaturdaySchool Pages: 1 words Published: April 16, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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My FAVOURITE DAY of the Week

, time: 2:40

My Favourite Day of the Week Essay - Words

the best day of the week essay

Everyone has a favorite day, my favorite day happens to be at the end of the week. Monday to Saturday I work to what seem to be never ending shifts and go to school. Working all day just go to school at night. The week consist of hard work and hours of studying. When Sunday comes along all of that changes. Sundays are my favorite day of the week Sunday Is The Best Day Of The Week Essay; Content builder for posts May 13, 0. Published by at May 23, Categories. Uncategorized; Tags. Sunday Is The Best Day Of The Week Essay Get your free examples of research papers and essays on Day Of The Week here. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. Learn from the best!

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