Career Research Paper Example Apa. By flosspapers Posted on February 22, As surprising as it might be sometimes not writing is the hardest and most time consuming part of the research paper but formatting. Studybay is an academic writing service for students. Research Paper Career Research Paper, Examples of Essays on Career Path Choice, Introductions, Topics GradesFixer. Absolutely FREE essays on Career. All examples of topics, summaries were provided by straight-A students. Get an idea for your paper. Essay Samples / Career Aspirations, Research Paper Example. Career Aspirations, Research Paper Example. Pages: 1. Words: Research Paper. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work
Career Research Report Sample
Society nowadays is highly diverse. Social differences today are based on various aspects of individuals, such as their background, culture, ethnicity, financial status, sexual orientation, age, health status. Diverse members of modern society often experience various difficulties finding employment.
One of the social groups that face many obstacles on the way of getting hired is former prisoners and people with records. Career research paper example ex-felons are willing to fit back into the career research paper example society, yet to accomplish this goal successfully, they often need professional help and orientation because their way of coming back to the society is complicated by multiple limitations and legal issues working against these people.
Without proper consultation and help former prisoners often get lost, feel like being trapped in a dead corner, fail to find ways out and fall back into their old lifestyle being in despair and trying to survive on their own. Career centers are the resources that can be especially helpful in the situations diverse members of modern society face trying to find employment.
Career counseling is the service provided by a career center; this kind of counseling is necessary for the former prisoners looking to reenter the working society. Career counseling takes into consideration various social differences of the individuals in need of such services. Early career counseling was based on the personal traits and skills of each individual Zunker Modern career counseling addresses the legal and social issues too. The needs of various social groups and minorities trying to find employment differ quite a lot.
Former prisoners experience the need for stabilization and survival in a new society, they also need assistance with the issues of the transitional stage, they require any advice about the employment opportunities, workplaces that are paid to hire ex-felons and legal obstacles for people with a criminal record.
The quantitative research conducted by Urban Institute Justice Policy Center professionals helped to identify the factors that are considered to be the strengths of ex-felons as a social group in relation to finding legal employment within eight months after being released from prison.
Statistically, the majority of former prisoners rely on the financial help of the family members and friends more than on the chance of finding legal employment. Besides, most of the ex-offenders end up getting hired, but many of them cannot keep the job for various reasons, career research paper example. The services an online career resource center must provide in order to meet the needs of former prisoners reentering the legal employment market are the help with transitional issues, counseling, and advice about stabilization, survival, and obtaining self-sufficiency, career research paper example.
Besides, an online career resource must provide the clients with information about the organizations that are paid to hire ex-offenders. Many of the former prisoners reenter the market of legal jobs being in debt or having financial obligations related to the need to support a family with young children; this increases the need for finding quick and appropriate employment for this group of people.
The career resource centers also must provide the job seekers with instructions as to state-specific rules related to their social status and descriptions of the career research paper example ex-felons looking for legal employment need to go through before getting hired.
The problems former prisoners face while looking for employment are very different, career research paper example, and some of them are not described in any literature. Yet, the professionals are working on various ways of assistance in order to help make the process of reentry quicker and less stressful. The common opinion is that the former prisoners that choose to follow the legal path can become valuable and wanted members of the society very quickly; this is why the society is open to helping them overcome their issues U.
Department of Labor Once these individuals return to the legal lifestyle, they can do a lot of good for themselves and the people around them, career research paper example. Shivy, V. Ex-Offenders Reentering the Workforce. Journal of Counseling Psychology 54 4 Employment Information Handbook for Ex- Offenders. Visher, C. Employment after Prison: A Longitudinal Study of Releasees in Three States.
Zunker, V. Career counseling: A holistic approach 8th ed. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?
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Stanford CS230: Deep Learning - Autumn 2018 - Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers
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Career Research Paper Example Apa. By flosspapers Posted on February 22, As surprising as it might be sometimes not writing is the hardest and most time consuming part of the research paper but formatting. Studybay is an academic writing service for students. Research Paper Type of paper: Research Papers Subject: Business Words: Career Research Is Career is the result of a conscious attitude and behavior in the professional field that is related to official and professional growth Scientific Research Paper Example. We have discussed several elements of research papers through examples. Abstract! Research Proposal! Introduction in Research Paper! Read on to move towards advanced versions of information. Scientific research paper. Let's have a look at the template and an example to elaborate concepts. It includes: Abstract; Introduction
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