A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality Definition of Descriptive Essay. A descriptive essay, as the name implies, is a form of essay that describes something. In this genre, students are assigned the task of describing objects, things, places, experiences, persons, and situations. The students use sensory information to enable readers to use their five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight to understand the topic of the essay 9/17/ · Descriptive writing is a literary device in which the author uses details to paint a picture with their words. This process will provide readers with descriptions of Video Duration: 5 min
Descriptive Essay - Examples and Definition of Descriptive Essay
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Home ENGLISH English Language English Literature Fingertip English Products Speaking Public Speaking The Basics of a Good Speech Public Speaking Learn, Listen and Saturday, descriptive composition, 8 October Descriptive Composition for SPM. SECTION B, descriptive composition. Narrative Composition. Descriptive Composition. Expository Composition. Argumentative Composition. Open Composition. They are three types of descriptive compositions. They are:. When describing a scene or event, you are required to write in some detail about the people and activities going on.
Read more When describing a place, you are required to describe the place in some detail. In your description, include the people and activities going on. Guidelines in Writing Descriptions of Places, descriptive composition. First, give an introduction to the place descriptive composition name, location and background. You can start with a physical description of the place. This can be the building or surroundings.
If you are describing a building, start from the outside and then move to the inside, descriptive composition. Then, describe what descriptive composition see and hear. Describe in some detail the activities and attractions, if any. You can include your feelings about descriptive composition place. Have a good grasp of the topic. Write about the place or scene only if you have been to it or read about it.
Describe descriptive composition activities of the people in it. Write about your feelings or. Choose the topic if you do not have knowledge of the topic. Try to describe the place or scene if you have not been to it or read about it. Leave out the descriptive composition of the people in it. Leave out your feelings about the place or scene. End your description without a conclusion. When describing a person or a group of people, you should give enough details about the person or people.
Include their lifestyle, contributions if any descriptive composition daily activities. Write a clear description of descriptive composition person or group of people. Highlight his or their qualities. Describe his or their interests and hobbies. Describe the lifestyle of the person or people. Conclude the description about the person and your feeling, if any.
Give a poor description of the person or group of people. Leave out his or their qualities. Descriptive composition out his or their interests and hobbies. Forget to mention about the lifestyle of the person or people. End the description abruptly. Write a composition of about descriptive composition on the following topic. Write a description of a Sarawakian native wedding ceremony, descriptive composition.
Include the wedding rites and other activities. a Sarawakian native wedding ceremony an interesting one - whole village often involved, descriptive composition. c in traditional costumes - fire guns to welcome the guests - return the gun salutes with equal number of gunshots - proceeds to the longhouse. d ceremony begins with the initiation session — speakers from both sides give speeches.
e village headman performs the ceremony by holding and waving a cockerel over their heads - invokes a short prayer asking the spirits to bless the couple. f merry - making commences with a lot of food, drinks and entertainment. Model Answer. A Sarawakian native wedding ceremony is an interesting one to witness, descriptive composition. For one, the whole village is often involved. All the people living in the village are invited. The purpose is to avoid hearing the cry of bad omens, descriptive composition.
When they reach the vicinity of the village, the party will take a rest. This is the time for them to dress themselves in traditional costumes.
After changing their clothes, descriptive composition, they continue their journey to the descriptive composition. As soon as the people in the bride's longhouse see their guests coming, they fire guns to welcome the guests.
Upon entering the longhouse, the guests are invited to sit down, the men at the upper part of the gallery and the women in the hall. The ceremony begins with the initiation session. The session can be a lengthy affair as speakers from both sides give their speeches. In their speeches, they talk about how well they know the bride and groom. The couple, dressed in traditional costumes, are seated side by descriptive composition on brass gongs.
By their sides are the bestman and bridesmaid who are also dressed in traditional costumes. Both of them have to stand in attendance. The village headman then performs the ceremony by holding and waving a cockerel over their heads, reciting his prayer of blessing. The significance of this is to bless and to wish the couple a happy married life, descriptive composition. The ceremony is then followed by the sprinkling of beads over the married couple, descriptive composition.
While doing this, the headman invokes a short prayer asking the spirits to bless, guide and guard them in their daily lives. As soon as this ceremony is over, food and the rice wine are served. It is customary for an endless list of speakers to stand up to give words of advice to the newly married couple. The descriptive composition to speak are the parents of both the bridegroom and the bride.
This is followed by their uncles, aunts, grandparents, brothers, descriptive composition, sisters and other relatives. The final speaker is the headman, descriptive composition.
After this is over, entertainment follows. The merry-making commences with a lot of food, drinks and entertainment such as performances of traditional dances. This can last till dawn. The next morning the bridegroom takes the bride back to his village. Dressed in traditional descriptive composition she is accompanied by her parents and members of her longhouse.
Vocabulary Guide. Procession - parade. Vicinity - neighbourhood, surroundings. Initiation - to introduce someone into a group, club etc, usually with a special ceremony. Reciting - reading aloud. Customary - habitual, tradition. COMMON ERRORS COMMENTS. a The question asks for a wedding ceremony, descriptive composition. So the description should be descriptive composition one. b It is descriptive composition to do some research on the topic before writing it.
You cannot bluff your way through. c Do not make the description too detailed or technical.
Descriptive Essay - Example, Topics, Introduction - EssayPro
, time: 10:28Good Descriptive Essay Examples for All Students

Definition of Descriptive Essay. A descriptive essay, as the name implies, is a form of essay that describes something. In this genre, students are assigned the task of describing objects, things, places, experiences, persons, and situations. The students use sensory information to enable readers to use their five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight to understand the topic of the essay In a descriptive essay, you need to structure paragraphs chronologically, or provide smooth transition from general to specific. You can also use the examples to make the narration of your descriptive essay more real. 4. Use descriptive words that would eliminate ambiguity. Avoid general descriptive adjectives like good, bad, awful, or beautiful A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality
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